Z-Cam 2 Now Shipping

Z Cam shipped their Z Cam 2. You can read their announcement from Facebook below:

Now then we have shipped Z CAM E2.

For those who have pre-ordered, we truly appreciate your support and thank you for your trust. Rest assured we will continue to fulfil the order backlog as soon as we can.

There have been some doubts and criticisms on Z CAM E2: When will we ship? 4K 120fps 10 bit? Dynamic range? Color science…etc etc. Now then we have shipped. Now then it is in your hands. The verdict is yours.

We believe Z CAM E2 is a very powerful device and unmatched by the competition:
– 4K @120fps, 10 bit color.
– 13 stops dynamic range (16 stops with WDR enabled).
– Triple native ISO80/160/800.
– Ethernet connectivity (control/live view/streaming).
– iOS device connectivity (control/live view/streaming). iOS app even supports focus peaking and false color.
– Small form factor. For sure the smallest 4K 120fps 10 bit MFT camera.
– Multi-camera pixel level sync (with external Z CAM Sync cable).

This is just the beginning. More to come.

We continue to listen to our customers and improve whenever wherever we can, with only one objective in mind, to be the best!

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