Tag Archives: Profoto A1

Godox V1 Preorders Start For Affordable Profoto A1 Clone

Adorama has the new Godox V1 available for preorder now on their site as a Flashpoint flash and B&H Photo should have it soon under the Godox name. It looks very similar to Profoto A1 and Profoto is even threatening to sue them for this fact so if you want a Profoto A1 maybe buy […]

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Godox V1 Flash Listed

Adorama has the new Godox V1 listed on their site as a Flashpoint flash and B&H Photo should have it soon under the Godox name. Pre-orders should start soon and there are details about their latest flash below. It looks very similar to Profoto A1 but should be significantly cheaper. Key Features Round zoom head design […]

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Profoto Teases That Something Small is Coming

Profoto is teasing a new product coming in one week and they claim it will be compact. It looks like some kind of B light from the profile and I tried to raise the exposure some so we can see more detail. Then again maybe it will be the Profoto A2 since the A1 is compact. They also […]

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Profoto A1 For Olympus Kinda… Maybe 2018?

Profoto’s announcement of the Profoto A1 a few days ago was very much like announcements of old, with Canon/Nikon models confirmed and no other make mentioned. So fans took to social media to figure out what happened to Profoto’s recent expanded support and Olympus support is the foggiest soo far. It sounds like you can use […]

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