Tag Archives: Olympus OMD E-M1X

Photons to Photos: Olympus OM-D E-M1X Has Lower PDR Than The OM-D E-M1 Mark II

Photons to Photos posted their results for the Olympus OM-D E-M1X and they are disappointing. The Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II beats it pretty handily, which is surprising because Olympus promised slightly improved high ISO performance. If you’re insterested you can manipulate the results here. Follow 43addict on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube Olympus OM-D E-M1X: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama Olympus OM-D […]

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DC Watch Olympus January 24 Event For Olympus OM-D EM1X

DC Watch covered an event held by Olympus on the January 24 about the Olympus OM-D EM1X and it had some interesting details about the market and camera. There are excerpts below: Mirrorless is booming since Canon and Nikon entered the market Olympus is stickign with m43 The value of compact and lightweight cameras is becoming clearer […]

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Camera Labs: Olympus OM-D EM1X Review

Gordan Lang does some crazy long reviews so below I have some excerpts from his Olympus OM-D EM1X review. Compared to the E-M1 Mark II Shares the 20MP sensor from the E-M1 Mark II Integrated battery grip Larger Toucher credentials Improved AF Better IBIS $2,999 Beefed up E-M1 Mark II, but not a replacement Only the […]

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DPReviewTV: Olympus E-M1X Video and Photo Review Plus Q&A

DPReview released the photography review below on launch day followed by a Q&A and most recently their video review. It sounds like the Olympus OM-D E-M1X is an all-around improvement over the Olympus OM-D EM1 Mark II, but it is disappointing that Olympus didn’t enable 4k 60p since the chip inside is capable. It also should […]

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Olympus Elija Shirota, Tetsuo Kikuchi, and Hisashi Yoneyama Interview With DigitalTrends

Digital Trends sat down with General Manager Elija Shirota, Team Leader and autofocus expert Tetsuo Kikuchi, and Senior Supervisor and deep learning expert Hisashi Yoneyama for an interview about the company and the Olympus OM-D E-M1X. Below are excerpts from the interview: Olympus wants the Olympus OM-D E-M1X to be the most reliable camera around The dual […]

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Olympus Once Considered Releasing a Medium Format Camera

CameraJabber is reporting that Setsuya Kataoka (Olympus Division Manager, Imagining Product Development) said that the company once considered developing a medium format camera like Fujifilm did with the Fujifilm GFX, but decided against pursuing the larger format. Olympus is very focused on making the smallest/lightest camera system they can and m43 is perfect for that goal. […]

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