Meyer Optik Görlitz is Back and They Are Being Transparent

Meyer Optik Görlitz is back thanks to OPC Optics and they hope to not make the same mistakes as the company that originally tried to revive the brand. So far they have released two press releases, which you can read below, but the second one is probably the most interesting since it includes:

Somnium and Nocturnus ranges for the time being. In line with comments in the past on various online platforms, forums etc., the current Meyer Optik staff also soon became aware that internally the Somnium was actually a modified Russian lens and the Nocturnus was a modified Chinese lens.

It looks like two of Meyer Optik Görlitz more expensive lenses were largely a Russian and Chinese design. Meyer will discontinue these lenses for now and will not continue many of their former practices like crowdfunding. The first lenses manufactured entirely in Germany from Meyer Optik should start to ship around the end of 2019 after they finish the acquisition. There is also news about warranty support and some existing stock that is left.

As part of the takeover of the brand, OPC Optics also acquired the previous manufacturer’s stock of finished goods. These lenses have been checked by OPC and will be for sale at greatly reduced prices, for as long as stocks last. OPC Optics will, of course, honor guarantees and warranties for 2 years from the date of purchase. Any subsequent production of these lens designs or their components is not envisaged in the current development plan.

You can read the full press releases below.

Meyer Optik Görlitz relaunched by OPC Optics following insolvency

Bad Kreuznach – 12th December 2018 –OPC Optical Precision Components Europe GmbH, based in Bad Kreuznach, has acquired the Meyer Optik Görlitz trademark rights from the insolvent net SE, or SEMI Management GmbH. By taking over Meyer Optik Görlitz, the specialist in aspherical and spherical glass lenses is now also making its entrance in the consumer market. Using its own in-house technological expertise and synergies in lens production, existing products will be optimized, production processes professionalized and new products developed. Following net SE’s regrettable and at times inglorious demise, during which Meyer Optik seemed to be consigned to oblivion, this development is good news for the many Meyer Optik fans across the world, as it means the continuation of the acclaimed series of lenses – such as the Trioplan.

“Following a successful relaunch in 2014, it was regrettable to see how Meyer Optik Görlitz then increasingly lost its reputation in the market through fluctuations in quality, the many crowdfunding projects on a range of platforms, sometimes running in parallel, pre-sales of unreleased lenses via its own website and ongoing delivery delays. Nevertheless, we now have an opportunity to successfully and professionally re-establish a classic German brand with a long tradition in photography,” says Timo Heinze, Managing Director of OPC Optics. “To do this, we will be taking a completely different, more conservative approach, with no crowdfunding schemes or product pre-ordering. As a manufacturer, you simply have to take time to develop a brand like this, to allow your own capacities to grow accordingly and to guarantee consistently high quality.”

Optimization of existing products and changes to the production process
The existing Meyer Optik portfolio recently included around 12 series of lenses. This portfolio, considered quite large for a niche manufacturer, will be analyzed and streamlined accordingly. It is anticipated that popular lines, such as the Trioplan 100 and the P58 (Primoplan), will be continued. At the moment, it is unclear whether the launch of lenses which had just been announced by net SE, such as the APO Plasmat 105 or the Nocturnus DSLR, will ever be realized. As a specialist in high-precision aspherical and spherical lenses, OPC Optics will examine and refine lens models which are considered to be firmly established.

“With our in-house technical expertise, refinement is an obvious and completely logical step. First of all, we will carry out an analysis of the existing constructions and designs. Thanks to the ultimate in high end measuring and manufacturing technology, we are in a position to produce the existing lenses with absolute precision, therefore improving their optical performance. Manufacture of the mechanical components and lens assembly will remain in Germany, to ensure the highest possible quality”, explains Heinze.

Traditional sales methods – no crowdfunding, no pre-ordering
In contrast to the previous, now insolvent supplier of Meyer Optik lenses, OPC Optics will seek to market Meyer Optik using traditional methods. Crowdfunding and pre-ordering of unreleased products will not feature in the business model. In future, OPC Optics will focus on using direct sales and bricks and mortar photography stores. In this way, OPC Optics intends to have a problem-free and, above all, transparent interaction with its customers.

No debt assumption
The takeover by OPC Optics includes all trademark rights for Meyer Optik Görlitz and associated products. Outstanding claims from customers and suppliers remain with net SE. Creditors should therefore contact the net SE administrators regarding such matters. As a supplier of high-precision aspheric lenses, OPC Optics is also among the suppliers to net SE with outstanding claims against them.

As part of the repositioning of the brand, OPC Optics is looking into whether it will be possible to offer price reductions on new purchases of available lenses to net SE customers who have paid for a lens but not received it. On request, customers might be able to receive a discount, on an individual basis. When or whether such this will be possible cannot be confirmed at present.

About Meyer Optik Görlitz
Meyer Optik Görlitz has a long history as a German manufacturer of high-quality lenses. Founded in 1896, Meyer Optik Görlitz has been in almost continuous existence for around 120 years. Thanks to the creativity which makes the Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses possible, the brand enjoys huge popularity worldwide – today as much as always.

About OPC Optics
OPC Optics was founded as a company in 2016 and is based in Bad Kreuznach. In addition to providing technical advice for projects and contract measuring of optical components, OPC Optics is primarily known as a specialist in high-precision aspheric and spherical lenses, as well as double aspheric lenses, achromatic lenses and assembly units. Its customers include companies involved in photography, medical technology, automotive and laser technology. With state-of-the-art machines, OPC Optics focuses on providing the highest possible quality and precision in the manufacture of glass lenses. As a result of comprehensive documentation of the entire process, from molten glass to raw glass processing, right through to the finished lens, OPC Optics is trusted by customers all around the world

Successful start to the year for Meyer Optik Görlitz

Bad Kreuznach – 27. Februar 2019 – Following the takeover by OPC Optics, Meyer Optik is taking its first steps back into the public eye by launching a completely new website. It has been a while since the press release in December 2018 announcing the takeover of the brand, but this time has been used intensively to analyze the existing products, identify improvements and carefully plan and implement the company’s next steps.

“Once all the information about the portfolio, the technical designs etc. had been handed over to us, we realized relatively quickly that we would need to invest considerable time and effort to establish a professional infrastructure. Meyer Optik is now benefiting from the combined experience I have gained during my many years working in the optics industry and the various positions I have held in large companies in this field,” explains Timo Heinze, Managing Director of OPC Optics. “It’s fair to say that the previous organization and processes shocked us on occasions. A range of new systems was absolutely necessary to establish a professional standard of production. Seamless documentation and control is essential, be it in development, for external and internal communication or for production planning, for example.”

New range of lenses has been streamlined
After analyzing the portfolio of products most recently sold and advertised by the previous supplier, a decision was made to discontinue the Somnium and Nocturnus ranges for the time being. In line with comments in the past on various online platforms, forums etc., the current Meyer Optik staff also soon became aware that internally the Somnium was actually a modified Russian lens and the Nocturnus was a modified Chinese lens.

“That is an absolute no go. As a German manufacturer using the ‘Made in Germany’ quality seal, this is a shameful indictment. These lenses may be perfectly good in their own right, but their production methods and marketing goes against all our principles,” states Heinze. “With us, nothing of this nature will occur. At the same time, we are not ruling out launching lenses with similar characteristics in the future. But if we did decide to do so, they would, of course, be our own designs and produced by us, in order to genuinely earn the ‘Made in Germany’ label.”

Planned refinements and developments
Meyer Optik is currently placing significant emphasis on the refinement and optimization of existing products and the development of additional product ranges. As a result, some of the most recently available lenses will just be improved slightly, whilst other models will have a more radical overhaul.

“We have had in-depth discussions with our partners and with photographers, and we have collated all the customer feedback about each individual lens in order to carry out the most comprehensive and meaningful analysis possible. We have gained valuable insights in all areas, starting with the lens design, through to the mechanics, the assembly and the most important link in the chain, the photographer, all of which are now being incorporated into the ongoing developments. We have also identified some opportunities for optimizing the lenses used previously. We expect the new models to offer improved image performance, better mechanical quality, a more comfortable feel and to be more user-friendly. Of course, while making these changes, the unique character of each individual lens will still be retained,” explains Heinze.

The current expectation is that the first new versions of previous lenses, such as the Trioplan 100, will be ready to be introduced from summer 2019. Details of new products, which are being developed at the same time, are expected to be released in the second half of 2019.

Long-term collaborations with partner companies in Germany
At the beginning of the year, successful talks were held with German companies working in the fields of optical and mechanical lens design, as well as precision engineering, and long-term collaborations were agreed. By doing this, OPC Optics can draw on years of experience in the areas of design and mechanical production, consolidating its own expertise in all aspects of high-precision glass lens manufacturing. This has paved the way for the production of high-quality Meyer Optik products, manufactured entirely in Germany.

New website now available
For anyone interested, the new website is now available at In future, customers will be able to buy Meyer lenses via the website. There is also extensive information about the history of Meyer and current manufacturing processes. Information on additional topics, such as the Meyer philosophy, will follow shortly. The website will also soon be available in English. In addition to news and useful information about photography, there will also be opportunities for customer interaction. Amongst other things, visitors will be able to comment on the product portfolio.

A sale of stock from the takeover
As part of the takeover of the brand, OPC Optics also acquired the previous manufacturer’s stock of finished goods. These lenses have been checked by OPC and will be for sale at greatly reduced prices, for as long as stocks last. OPC Optics will, of course, honor guarantees and warranties for 2 years from the date of purchase. Any subsequent production of these lens designs or their components is not envisaged in the current development plan.

via Meyer1, Meyer2 on FujiAddict

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