LEE Solar Filter Controversy: UPDATED

Earlier today Petapixel published an article about how Amazon is refunding LEE Solar filters because they were unable to ensure that the filter was safe for use, so I reached out to B&H Photo for clarification. While B&H Photo stands by the safety of the filter I continued to push for further clarification about why this might have happened, which led me to a contact at LEE Filters.

It seems Amazons concerns were that DSLR users would use it while looking through the optical view finder and regular viewers would use it instead of proper glasses. So out of unnecessary caution, Amazon is refunding and pushing the cost of the filters on dealers. The dealers will likely file a class action lawsuit against Amazon because there is nothing wrong with the filters if used for their intended purpose.

According to LEE all photographic filters for the Soler Eclipse are designed like theirs and Amazon might end up pulling them all if they realize this is the case. So the lucky people that ordered from Amazon should be perfectly ok using the filter on their mirrorless camera or with live view. Just don’t try to view the eclipse directly through the filter!

Official Statement

Amazon has incorrectly identified our filter as a viewing apparatus. The LEE Filters Solar Eclipse filter is NOT intended for viewing the eclipse but rather to photograph the phases of the eclipse, as clearly stated on our website.

Via FujiAddict

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