7Artisans 60mm F2.8 Macro Now Available

Amazon and Adorama now have the 7Artisans 60mm F2.8 Macro available.

The 60mm F2.8 macro lens uses 7 sets of 8 lenses. The front group has a floating focusing structure. Excellent image quality can be obtained in both infinity and 1:1 macro. Even in macro scenes, the field curvature is extremely

  • The super-long focusing distance of 26cm affords greater depth of field.
  • When shooting subjects like insects, you can take off the front lens barrel to avoid disturbance
  • A mininum focusing distance of 26cm means there will be more space for lighting.
  • Macro photography requires higher shutter speed. Use tripod or LED to attain safe shutter speed.

via FujiAddict

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